Welcome to the SAM Members Section

 This section is FREE for all SAM members to share. As a SAM ambassador, every SAM member has a role in helping YOUR club to succeed. When talking to others, think about the impression you want to give about YOUR club. The resources provided here are for YOUR benefit, so we would ask you to talk about its content and share its location with other SAM members and anyone in our local community. Thank you.

Being a SAM member

  1. Talking about SAM: It’s always helpful if we are singing off the same hymn sheet so, when talking to others about SAM, keep you messages consistent. Being a SAM biker, you are a ‘thinking biker’. It’s time to think about how you want others to see the SAM charity. Whenever and wherever you talk about the SAM charity, keep it simple. Think about the following:– We don’t expect every member to convey what the SAM Club does in the same way. Everyone has their own way of putting across what we do. Use your own terminology, but keep the following in mind.– Whether you agree, disagree, or are agnostic about what the SAM Club offers, a lot of members are working hard to keep the charity going.  
  2. Subscriptions: There is a small annual fee, but you get back far more than the cost of membership. As a charity SAM has to legally maintain funds that cover the cost of expenditure and meet any foreseeable liabilities. Your membership helps to sustain our charity.
  3. Saturday meetings: this is where we catch up on Club news, ask questions, have good natured disagreements, put the world to rights and have a good laugh. Every member is welcome. Non-members are welcome to come and learn who we are and what we offer.
  4. Promotion of safer riding: We talk about safer riding, the development of advanced riding skills, the management of  riding hazards and changes in managing safer riding on our roads. Everyone has an opinion, but we always respect the right of others to disagree with us – even if we think we are right!
  5. Biker Community: We are all bikers and we love to talk about every subject surrounding bikes, bikers and biking. Other subjects and putting the world to rights are solely at the discretion of each member.
  6. Bikes: It doesn’t matter what powered-2-wheeler you ride. We have all sorts. We suggest that the we follow the maxim: ‘the bike should fit the rider and the rider should fit the bike!’
  7. Ride-outs: Riding out in small groups is for SAM Club members only. We have public liability insurance that covers ‘social riding’ with pillions. Guidance on the conduct of small group rides can be found in the IAM Group Handbook in your members account on the IAM website.
  8. Advanced Riding Courses: The SAM Club offers a variety of advanced rider courses. Ask the Guidance Secretary or Chief National Observer for details. Also, see the IAM website for details about courses offered.
  9. Roles: The SAM Committee and Members organise a range of events including:– Club Nights with speakers or entertainment
    – Day rides, short stay rides, motorcycling holidays
    – Promotion of advanced riding at local community groups and events. Publicity and pre-build  presentations are available on your IAM website account
    – Meet & Greet: Some members help to welcome visitors and new members to the SAM charity.
    – Social event organisers: Some members will organise social event such as ‘Curry Nights’, ‘Museum visits’, ‘Motorcycling shows’, ‘Motorcycle events’ etc. Watch the website and your email inbox for details.

Free Assessed Ride

Want to try before you buy? Fill in the form below and arrange the FREE ride assessment when it’s convenient for you.  Or just ride down to Meadowhall Retail Park, Sheffield S9 1EP, 9am any Saturday morning.

Be safe - ALWAYS carry your Biker I.C.E card!

Riding a motorcycle comes with risks. In an accident, motorcyclists’ injuries are likely to be more serious than those of other road users. To reduce these risks, the Biker I.C.E. (In Case of Emergency) Card is a simple but essential tool for riders. It’s easy to use and convenient to carry. It can be folded to fit in your wallet and handed to anyone who needs it, not just accident responders.

The Biker I.C.E. Card contains all necessary information. It has contact information, important health, medical and doctor’s details, a list of medications and your doctor’s contact. If you’re in an accident, emergency services can use the card to quickly understand your health and medical needs t0 provide you with the best care possible.

Just fill in your email address below. We will keep you updated of any design changes. The card is given as FREE public service that you can use and share as many times as you like. You simply add details like your NHS or travel insurance numbers, as these can help emergency responders access your healthcare records or handle costs when travelling abroad.

Sheffield Advanced Motorcyclists, well known for our quality assured advanced rider training, support the use of this card. It can be a critical safety tool. While training improves road safety, the card ensures you get the right help should things go wrong.

Download your Biker I.C.E. Card NOW, for safer rides and peace of mind!