Editorial It’s been a very busy week for the SAM Committee. Rallymoto have confirmed they will be making a presentation at the next SAM Club Night on the 13th May
When it comes to road safety and young people, everyone has an opinion. It doesn’t help when you base your reasoning for change on complaints from constituents, about speeding drivers,
What a fine sunny day. Here are two good motorcycle jackets for you. They are FREE! These items have been very generously donated by Christine Fowler to any member of
Editorial I’m back and the weather has warmed up a bit. Despite the cool conditions, there was a great crowd of members out last Saturday. Being absent for a week
Editorial What a brilliant Spring Breakfast Meet! Thank you to all those SAM members who made it such a great success. The AGM saw a very humble Editor receive an
Despite overcast skies, rain and cold, SAM members made the Spring Breakfast Meet a great success. Thank you for all your continued support as we looked forward to making 2024
Editorial Sometimes, even the most well respected motorcycling commentators can say things that are just plain idiocy. This week it’s the turn of Ryan Kluftinger, fortnine on YouTube. In a
We are pleased to announce that IAM RoadSmart will be launching a new initiative this month… our Road Champions! This is a FREE digital initiative, for 17-26 year olds, is
Britian’s pothole pandemic is leaving drivers tearing out their hair and the state of the road network is laid bare by the publication of the AIA’s annual Alarm report earlier this month.
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