Meet 9am each Saturday, Meadowhall Retail Park Sheffield S9 2YZ
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Meet 9am each Saturday, Meadowhall Retail Park Sheffield S9 2YZ
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SAM Club Weekly Newsletter – 20th January 2023


We made it to press again this week with some really interesting articles for you to read. We start with considering what bike to use for your adventure tour this year. When the pillion is recovered from her operation, mine will be a new MP3 530 Exclusive (arriving mid-February). My pillion and I have ridden through a fair amount of stormy weather on our travels. Read the article on how to ride in the rain with a pillion Princess for an interesting perspective. 

Onto more serious matters. Oxford Council are expected to generate £1m from fines in the new filter system. Who says road ‘safety’ isn’t a money spinner? Staying with the law there are a couple of cases for you to consider. Can your wife sue you and can you sue a judge?

As we continue to live in difficult economic times, many riders will be looking for a cheaper bike. There is some advice on what not to do when buying a used bike. When you do get one there are some tips to help you find the right spare parts. 

Finally, for motorcycle history we have the fascinating story of Benelli motorcycles. Along with lots of other items for you to read and watch, so enjoy you SAM Club Newsletter.

Ways to stay in touch with your Club!

It’s really easy to stay in touch with your Club! We provide emails, a website and use social media accounts for you to contact us. All of which is free of any cost to the Club. If you are not getting the Club information circulated, or simply want to tell us something, just let us know at We’ll be happy to ensure that we stay in touch with you. You can also now sign up for Club emails on the SAM website.

Paul Conway
Editor & Webmaster, Sheffield Advanced Motorcyclists

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