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Meet 9am each Saturday, Meadowhall Retail Park Sheffield S9 2YZ
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SAM Weekly Newsletter – 10th May 2024


It’s been a very busy week for the SAM Committee. Rallymoto have confirmed they will be making a presentation at the next SAM Club Night on the 13th May 2024. The SAM Committee would like to thank those members who have paid their annual membership. The majority of members have now paid. There are still 51 members who haven’t paid and we’d like every member to enquire if their friends have paid. We don’t want to be chasing members for payment into the autumn this year. Thank you for your continued support.

Continuing rider education has been a hot topic this week. Chris Lund (Chief National Observer) has been busy gathering additional resources. A Flip chart, pens, a laminator and extra IAM books are being sought. The Committee approved an idea to set up a SAM Online Library. This would be structured to meet the needs of different SAM sub-groups, such as ‘Observers’, ‘Members’, ‘Associates’ and the public. This initiative will help us, as a road safety charity, fulfil our educational role. This includes not only the training of motorcyclists in advanced riding, but also to inform and educate everyone about the role of motorcycling in our community. Motorcycling is a vitally important part of a national transport strategy to mitigate the effects of climate change and we have to change some of the negative stereotypes about riding on powered-two-wheels. Andy Frith will offer mini-sessions on different aspects of riding. Every SAM member can support these initiatives by spreading the word about what we offer and taking an active part in the events provided. If you have any ideas on what you would like to see included in the SAM Online Library then contact the editor ( Many thanks to those who have already made suggestions.

In other news this week, South Yorkshire Police have a brand new website. It is a really helpful portal where you can report crime, alert the police to potential problems, pass on information, request advice, forward complaints and thank them for the services provided. There is also provision for reporting road traffic accidents. A really useful website in helping to keep our community safer.

It had to start. The customisation of electric motorcycles. In this week’s newsletter you’ll find some fascinating efforts. Although not an electric, there is the story of a Puch moped being given a 5-cylinder engine. Fifty years ago, as a very poor student nurse, my old Puch moped could definitely have used more power, but that’s ancient history now. It was all I could afford at the time and the challenges for young people to get into motorcycling haven’t gotten any easier. It’s less affordable now than it was then, so student nurses and others just starting out in life have a much tougher time. As the UK Government discusses revising motorcycle licensing, we can only hope that they will also remember the struggles of young people just starting out in life. We can only hope. Happy reading.

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