SAM Committee

Steering the future of advanced riding in our community!

Who's Who

See who's is running the SAM charity. Each person is working very hard to:

  • manage public education,
  • marketing,  advertising & social media,
  • providing advanced rider training courses ,
  • organising a calendar of training and social events, - managing finance and spending,
  • ensuring they know and understand the latest riding roadcraft 
  • ensuring they are fully informed of all legal requirements for the charity and using public roads,
  • liaising with other road safety organisations, and
  • still having fun on their bikes!

Being a SAM Committee member

Being a SAM Committee member is highly rewarding. You get to see how you can make your contribution to the charity's vital work. Helping to keep motorcyclists safe on out roads is a noble task. It takes a little time to get oriented, but there is lots of help in this library. When you are unsure of something, other SAM Committee members will also be happy to help.


These are important documents that give guidance to both elected officers and ordinary members on their roles and responsibilities in managing and supporting the Sheffield and District Advanced Motorcyclists charity. The documents are available on the Charity Commission and IAM websites, but we wanted these to be more immediately available to elected officers and members. All documents are in pdf format.

New data protection regulations will be implemented on the 25th May 2018. IAM RoadSmart have issued group guidance for meeting the requirements of this legislation.  This is the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)document. This is the IAM RoadSmart GDPR and  Data Management Guidelines for Groups document.  This is the IAM RoadSmart Group GDPR Declaration Form (Download and fill in using Adobe Reader). This is the IAM RoadSmart Group Member  GDPR statement (Download and fill in using Adobe Reader).

This document was prepared as a result of questions asked at the 2012 IAM Motorcycle Conference and is designed to clear up what appear to be common confusions.

This document was prepared as a result of questions asked at the 2012 IAM Motorcycle Conference and is designed to clear up what appear to be common confusions. Also read the IAM RoadSmart Zero Tolerance Statement – Abusive or Aggressive Behaviour.

This booklet was produced by the Norsk Motorcykkel Union in an effort to do something about the large spike in motorcycle accidents that occurred there every spring as riders poured onto the roads again after their winter. The booklet focuses an effective and precise riding technique, helps you understand the essential physics of the motorcycle and offers you a series of very concrete exercises that you can work on every time you are out riding. 


  • SAM Committee Nomination Form
  • Membership
    • All SAM Club members MUST be paid-up members of IAM RoadSmart
    • To remain a member of the SAM Club, members should pay their club membership fee, currently £12, by the 1st April each year.
  • Guests
    • Members may bring guests to any SAM Club events where guest attendance is approved.
    • Guests are not permitted to take part in any event undertaken on behalf of IAM RoadSmart.
  • Club Events
    • All SAM members are welcome to take part in organised events.
    • Members are responsible for the conduct of their guest(s) at any SAM Club event.


The IAM has introduced two new qualifications: Local and National Observer. Please contact the Guidance Secretary or a Member of the SAM Committee to discuss these qualifications. We have reproduced four of the relevant documents here but keep an eye the IAM’s website in case of updates.


There are, essentially, two topics in this section: Training Policy and Risk Analysis. The Training Policy documents set out SAM’s attitudes towards the guidance of Associates; The Risk Analysis is linked to this but, in addition, contains the processes to be followed in a variety of Guidance situations.

There are two documents:

  1. SAM Training Policy: This is a revised version of the Training Policy that was set out in
2007. It has been brought up-to-date to reflect the Training Sub-committee’s report, included below.
  2. Risk Analysis: This is a link to the condensed version of the Risk Analysis for Observers with which every Observer should be familiar. It takes the main points from the ObservingSlow Riding and Observer’s Demonstration Ride documents.


The purpose of this section is to make available copies of powerpoint presentations given at previous Observer Meetings.  At the moment, the only presentations included are those given at the last Meeting on the 11th November, 2013.

There were two major presentations: the first is on Observer Duties and the second on the new Observer Qualifications system.

Other, earlier, presentations will be included at a later date and new ones will appear immediately after they have been given.


Data protection, Cookie Consent and Website Use policies can be found here.

Free Assessed Ride

Want to try before you buy? Fill in the form below and arrange the FREE ride assessment when it’s convenient for you.  Or just ride down to Meadowhall Retail Park, Sheffield S9 1EP, 9am any Saturday morning.

Be safe - ALWAYS carry your Biker I.C.E card!

Riding a motorcycle comes with risks. In an accident, motorcyclists’ injuries are likely to be more serious than those of other road users. To reduce these risks, the Biker I.C.E. (In Case of Emergency) Card is a simple but essential tool for riders. It’s easy to use and convenient to carry. It can be folded to fit in your wallet and handed to anyone who needs it, not just accident responders.

The Biker I.C.E. Card contains all necessary information. It has contact information, important health, medical and doctor’s details, a list of medications and your doctor’s contact. If you’re in an accident, emergency services can use the card to quickly understand your health and medical needs t0 provide you with the best care possible.

Just fill in your email address below. We will keep you updated of any design changes. The card is given as FREE public service that you can use and share as many times as you like. You simply add details like your NHS or travel insurance numbers, as these can help emergency responders access your healthcare records or handle costs when travelling abroad.

Sheffield Advanced Motorcyclists, well known for our quality assured advanced rider training, support the use of this card. It can be a critical safety tool. While training improves road safety, the card ensures you get the right help should things go wrong.

Download your Biker I.C.E. Card NOW, for safer rides and peace of mind!